Facade/entrance, Property Building in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper
Days Inn

Days Inn by Wyndham Casper


Days Inn by Wyndham Casperへようこそ。この素敵な3つ星ホテルは、Wyoming州のCasperの活気ある市内中心部からわずか0.8マイルの便利な場所に位置しています。フレンドリーなスタッフと優れたアメニティを備えたこのホテルは、快適さと利便性を求める旅行者にとって理想的な選択肢です。ホテルに到着すると、24時間対応のフロントデスクがお客様を温かく迎え、スムーズなチェックイン手続きを確保します。快適な禁煙ルームには、エアコン、バスタブ付きの専用バスルーム、無料Wi-Fiなどのさまざまなアメニティが備わっています。旅行中にフィットネスを維持したいですか?ホテルにはフィットネスセンターもあり、アクティブな滞在を希望する方に最適です。美味しい朝食で1日をスタートしましょう。ホテルが便利に提供している朝食を利用してください。Casperの美しい街を探索する際には、ホテルの便利な立地を活用して、近くの観光スポット、ショップ、レストランに簡単にアクセスできます。878件のレビューがあり、以前のゲストはホテルの気配りの行き届いたスタッフと快適な宿泊施設を称賛しており、旅行者の間で人気のある選択肢となっています。だから、ビジネスやプレジャーのために訪れる場合でも、Days Inn by Wyndham Casperをあなたのホームスイートホームにしてください。価格はたった$70からで、快適さと利便性を求める旅行者にとって手頃な選択肢となっています。

Bedroom, TV/Entertainment Center in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper
Living room, Kitchen/Kitchenette in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper



1 キングサイズベッド


205 平方フィート







2 クイーンサイズベッド


205 平方フィート

ルーム - クイーンベッド2台






2 クイーンサイズベッド


205 平方フィート

ルーム - クイーンベッド2台, ペット可






カスペル、ワイオミングを探索した後は、季節限定の屋外プールでリフレッシュしませんか? 大人専用の当ホテルのプールは、暖かいワイオミングの太陽の下でリラックスしてくつろぐのに最適な場所です。数ラップ泳ぐか、単に日光浴を楽しむかにかかわらず、当ホテルのプールは、のんびりした午後の理想的なオアシスを提供します。

Days Inn by Wyndham Casperでは、スムーズなチェックアウトプロセスを確保するためにさまざまな便利な支払いオプションを提供しています。ダイナーズクラブ、アメリカンエクスプレス、ビザ、ディスカバー、マスターカードを含む主要なクレジットカードを喜んで受け入れます。現金は当ホテルでは受け付けていないことにご注意ください。柔軟な支払いオプションで、手間や不便さなしに滞在を楽しむことができます。

Days Inn by Wyndham Casperで、スタイリッシュで快適な客室の中からお好みのリトリートをお選びください。一人旅でもグループ旅行でも、お客様のニーズに合ったお部屋があります。広々としたレイアウトと居心地の良いキングサイズベッドが特徴のキングスイートでリラックスしてくつろいだり、家族や友人のグループに最適なクイーンルーム with 2ベッドを選択したりできます。どのお部屋を選んでも、モダンな設備と快適な家具が備わった禁煙ルームでの安らぎに満ちた滞在をお楽しみいただけます。

Swimming pool, Property Building in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper
Property building in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper


Days Inn by Wyndham Casperでカスペルの魅力を体験してください。便利な立地、フレンドリーなスタッフ、優れたアメニティを備えた当ホテルは、快適さと利便性を求める旅行者に最適な選択です。今日から当ホテルでの滞在を予約し、カスペルが提供するすべてを発見してください。リラックスと冒険が待っている当ホテルへのご滞在を心よりお待ちしております。

Bathroom in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper
Bathroom, Seating Area in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper










Fitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper
Fitness centre/facilities, Kitchen/Kitchenette in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper


屋外, 大人専用


On site, Swimming Pool in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper
Pool view, Swimming Pool in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper
Property building in Days Inn by Wyndham Casper
We had an issue with the toilet in our room right after we checked in and the staff was very quick to respond. The problem was fixed and we had a nice night. Room was clean and the laundry facilities were close by and convenient. There were a lot of options for breakfast and it was enjoyable. The front desk also recommended a great local steak restaurant that was delicious.


The staff were very friendly and accommodating, the facilities were great (we did 2 loads of laundry and used the dryers for only $5!), the location was very near lots of shops (although I wouldn't walk around at night as a woman) and overall the value for money was exceptional! Would definitely stay again!


Just about everything. But when I checked in the ladies at the front desk didn't help me get all of my stuff to my room. I'm wheelchair bound and I had a lot of stuff with me that I brought from Denver Colorado to Casper Wyoming. I just needed a little bit of help and they wouldn't help me.


The staff was very friendly and they offered us freshly baked cookies of our choice daily. The General Manager came in on her off day just to make sure our payment issues were taken care of properly.


The room was very clean and comfortable. Breakfast was great quite a few choices, and the staff was phenomenal, especially Judy.  extremely friendly, very professional. An asset to the company. 


We had an issue with the toilet in our room right after we checked in and the staff was very quick to respond. The problem was fixed and we had a nice night. Room was clean and the laundry facilities were close by and convenient. There were a lot of options for breakfast and it was enjoyable. The front desk also recommended a great local steak restaurant that was delicious.


The staff were very friendly and accommodating, the facilities were great (we did 2 loads of laundry and used the dryers for only $5!), the location was very near lots of shops (although I wouldn't walk around at night as a woman) and overall the value for money was exceptional! Would definitely stay again!


Just about everything. But when I checked in the ladies at the front desk didn't help me get all of my stuff to my room. I'm wheelchair bound and I had a lot of stuff with me that I brought from Denver Colorado to Casper Wyoming. I just needed a little bit of help and they wouldn't help me.


The staff was very friendly and they offered us freshly baked cookies of our choice daily. The General Manager came in on her off day just to make sure our payment issues were taken care of properly.


The room was very clean and comfortable. Breakfast was great quite a few choices, and the staff was phenomenal, especially Judy.  extremely friendly, very professional. An asset to the company. 


We had an issue with the toilet in our room right after we checked in and the staff was very quick to respond. The problem was fixed and we had a nice night. Room was clean and the laundry facilities were close by and convenient. There were a lot of options for breakfast and it was enjoyable. The front desk also recommended a great local steak restaurant that was delicious.


The staff were very friendly and accommodating, the facilities were great (we did 2 loads of laundry and used the dryers for only $5!), the location was very near lots of shops (although I wouldn't walk around at night as a woman) and overall the value for money was exceptional! Would definitely stay again!


Just about everything. But when I checked in the ladies at the front desk didn't help me get all of my stuff to my room. I'm wheelchair bound and I had a lot of stuff with me that I brought from Denver Colorado to Casper Wyoming. I just needed a little bit of help and they wouldn't help me.


The staff was very friendly and they offered us freshly baked cookies of our choice daily. The General Manager came in on her off day just to make sure our payment issues were taken care of properly.


The room was very clean and comfortable. Breakfast was great quite a few choices, and the staff was phenomenal, especially Judy.  extremely friendly, very professional. An asset to the company. 



301 East E Street, Casper, 82601, ワイオミング州, アメリカ

Days Inn by Wyndham Casper